~ survivor ~

I cannot stop hating my body. Fuck, how I want to be That proud, free, careless woman Showing it all without a thought Never apologizing for my skin My rolls, my lines, my folds And I’m not. I’m not there. And I want to love myself for that too To embrace and give kindness The... Continue Reading →

– weight –

Pale and withdrawn Afraid to be seen Like an invalid Lost to the light for years Now shuddering in the sun. In love with the journey But obstinately, firmly shut off To any dalliances along the way. Tell me, how else should it be? How else can it be? Hiding from revelation Is the only... Continue Reading →

-heart disease-

I thought I loved from the depth of my bones But I only loved the concept, my idea of what I thought a lover should/would/could be. My passion is hollow. Perhaps I’ve never felt anything but a Dream. Lie. Construct. Skin-deep, afraid to dive in Such a talker, not so much a communicator though. I... Continue Reading →

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